Chủ Nhật, 16 tháng 4, 2023

After Lives: A Guide to Heaven, Hell and Purgatory - John Casey



I am grateful to several friends who read earlier drafts of the book— Paul Binski, Colin Burrow, and Ruth Scurr, who read it in full, and Paul Foote and Cally Hammond, who read it in part. Jeremy Dimmick gave very useful directions about reading at the very beginning of the project. Ed Brambley took care of the illustrations.

Oxford University Press were heroically patient during the lapse of time between their commissioning the book and myfinally getting down to work on it. I am grateful to my original commissioning editor for that; to my present editor, Cynthia Read,for extremely helpful comments; and to the reader to whom the manuscript was sent for constructive, indeed invaluable,suggestions. My very warm thanks go to my magnificent copyeditor, Mary Sutherland, whose intelligence and alert attention to detail, combined with an unerring sense of the book as a whole,made her a pleasure to work with. Thank-you as well to Joellyn Ausanka, who ably shepherded the book through the production process.

My greatest debt—obvious and here warmly acknowledged— is to those many writers whose fundamental work opened pathsinto areas hitherto unknown to me (which includes just about allthe writers cited on ancient Egypt) and intimated a structure forthe book, but especially Alan Bernstein, S. G. F. Brandon, Piero Camporesi, and Colleen McDannell and Bernard Lang.

#Heaven, #Hell, #Purgatory

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